Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Does our church need any more dioceses and Bishops

Does our church need any more dioceses and Bishops?


Vattaparampilachen said...

No more diocese is needed this is more than enough as of now,also no more bishops atleast for a period of 5 years, otherwise it will be a mockery.

Unknown said...

No need of more dioceses, it is like Village or Panchayat. Give more attention for Carity and Social work.

Anonymous said...

i do agree with vattaparampilachen.

Unknown said...

Orthodox diaspora is spread all over the globe.We do need dioceses considering Gilf and Far East faithful.We should rationalise the existing ones in Northern Dioceses which are not geographically distributed judiciously.More Bishops?There are certain sensitive pockets where most Bishops are not forthcoming to serve.Identify these areas and find suitable candidates and make them Bishops.Dr.Vinu Thomas.

Unknown said...

A diocese for Far East is much appreciated."Micro Manage when you must and Macro Manage when you can"Quote by Bill Willward

I agree with Achen in regard to no more Bishops

Beno Samuel

Unknown said...

JI feel like orthodox church is tarnished by politics. It look like aLl of these are ordinations all of thay are public stunt for personal achievement for certain personalities in kottayam. How in the world holy synod approved the ordination of mussa gurgan. Our thirumeni's lacking backbone to defend the integrity of this church. Whom ever violate those traditions of our church should be reprimanded & disciplinary action must be induced regardless they are metropolitans or achans. Gurgan only started. Wait & see the collateral damage he is about to do to our church. Its time for pray to our church to protect her evil forces. God bless. No more thirumenis & new dioceses.

C.K.Samuel said...

We need bishop for each family, i hope that will happen in the near future. Send them to US and Europe to colect money from the wandering peoples of the church.

Unknown said...

I too agree with Vattaparampilachen.

Malankara Orthodox TV said...


I do not have a google account. Here is my short comment.

It is too late to ask the question about more bishops. It should have even before February 2010. Our country and our church face one problem- over population; in church it is not with faithful members though. Having heard about the incidents in Delhi and all, I think it is high time for a reasonable dialogue with Patriarchal, Gourgan and Orthodox group. With educated and enlightened discussion, a compromise could be developed or else we will see an increase in faith and practices and augmentation in litigation. Let 's be wise to serve the Lord.

Joy Achen, USA

Charly Padanilam said...

Creating a new diocese will not achieve any greatness for any faithful members except we can ordinate one priest as a Bishop and at least a contribution of an average of Rs.1,000,000/ from the members can through as an expense. If there is no more diocese then that much amount of contribution of the faithful memebrs could be utilized for any good cause.

So if the spiritual growth of the church is expecting then please stop making any more diocese.

Aashu Alexander said...

No more Dioceses but if the existing ones could be properly allocated and organized in some structure then that would be great. Like achen says it would be a total mockery of the hierarchical system that governs our Church. Hope to see change for the better and not for the sake of change. :)

Varghese said...

We need more diocese and more bishops from and for northern part of kerala..

Unknown said...

It was a great blunder committed by dividing Madras diocese without thinking, a hasty discussion for which we are all regretting let us be careful in having more dioceses.
Sabu Thomas

Unknown said...

It is a must to have a Bishop for each State in India. As a National Church with international relations.

Varghese said...

Ippol Puthencrisuakar nammalude alukale pidikunnu..
Pathrose Rembachan Kaalumari...
Appol Rembachanum thirumeniyayi...
Bernabas Thirumeniye poole...
Puthencrisu Daridravasi sabhakku enthanavoo ithra attraction...
ee pooku poyal pani kittivee...
porathathinu Gurgante catholicayum varunuu...
keralam bhrathalayam..

Unknown said...

Yes need more churches, dioceses, achens and dioceses. What is wrong in that. WE have to work on that. According to our strength we have to think about new new things.

REJI Thomas Kottarakara
United Kingdom

Unknown said...

I think it is too late to start a Gulf Diocese (for the churches in various Arab Emirates). There is also a need for a Far East Diocese (having churches in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia). Also a Thiruvithamkode diocese for churches in Eastern parts of Trivandrum and in Kanyakumari district including the various missions in Tamilnadu, Mangalore diocese for churches in Kasargode and parts of Karnataka state are also to considered. We have to divide the dioceses in North India and new dioceses are to be started, thus to fulfill the Indian Mission (The aim of Apostle St.Thomas). The Roman Catholic church, Malankara Catholics and other churches including CSI have more dioceses in various states of India. We should rethink of our contributions in this field. We should start more Mission centres and Mission fields in different states. The aim of our Indian Orthodox church is to Enlighten the minds of People of India those who don’t know about our CHRIST’s Love. The Metropolitans like Stephanos Mar Theodosius, Geevarghese Mar Osthathiose and our Various Catholicos, Priests, Rambans are stressing this during their life time. We have to contribute much in this Field.

Unknown said...

why not... it is good to have more Bishop..... but they have to be sent as missionaries to tribal areas

Malankara Orthodox TV said...

Probably Yes. A bishop is an administrative position rather than a spiritual position. Ideally a bishop should have exposure to modern methods of management.
In our Church, as far as I know, bishops do not have a clear list of responsibilities and duties because of which they spend their valuable time in unnecessary activities including the blessing of marriages, funeral ceremonies etc. The activities of atleast some of the bishops make laity think that no more bishops are needed.
But there are a lot of challenges which the Church is facing today, in the spiritual, social, psychological and materialistic fields which calls for good leaders, who can steer us to better thinking and living. Bishops may need to take up these activities, for their's as well as laity's well being.
So we need more of good bishops who will work for the betterment of our community.

Abey Jacob

Unknown said...

Our church authorities should consider a Far East Diocese including churches in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and Newzeland. There are already 6 churches in Australia, 5 in Newzeland, Cathedrals in Singapore and in Malaysia. More churches are to be started in these countries, because more and more Orthodox believers are settling here nowadays. Many Orthodox students are coming here for their higher studies. It is the duty of our church to fulfill their necessities in religious path. So the presence of a Bishop is needed to guide them. Also it is not easy for the Bishop of Madras Diocese to control these churches, as it is too distant from there. Hence there aroused the need for a Diocese from years ago. A Far East Diocese is to be considered yet for our Believers in these countries. That is why I pointed out this repeatedly.