Friday, July 23, 2010

Two Decades of Church Ministry by Dr. Thomas Mar Athanasius.

Two Decades of Church Ministry by Dr. Thomas Mar Athanasius.


Vayaliparamban said...

Is he still with the Orthodox Faction or does it signal something else?
Chendakarande chenda polley pokunavanum varunnavanum veekanulla oru chendayayi mariyirikkukayanallo nammude Sabha!
Daivamey njangalkku shubhatha nalkaname

Paul said...

I did not understand what provoked you to make such a comment. It shows intolerance and negative attitude. It will not help our church. Athanasius thirumeni just gave an account of what happened in the past. Someone might not relish that. Better take it positively. No one can dispute the fact that MOSC leadership went wrong on several occasions (unfortunately not much change even now). I think Mor Athanasius is an asset to MOSC (which is patriarch faction’s loss). However, our leaders are yet to understand how HE has to be utilized in a better way.



Anonymous said...

i was thinking why thirumeni is not writing something on ,with this i am satisfied and at the sametime expecting more from kuttu said thirumeni is an asset to our church,we r yet to figure out where to use his thing is for sure that both factions r responsible for church one was there for negotiatians.They want to dominate eachother by one way or the other.

Malankara Orthodox TV said...

H.E Athanasios Thirumeni past experience is little worrying especially in this period. HE had revealed lot,but all these types of commence & advice he should share when he in H.Synod.H.H AND Holy church made him in respected position where he can share his valuable concerns and views. Hope Thirumeni will loyal towards Holy church and H.H.i WILL BE GREAT WHEN I AM WITH SOUND ROOTED SECTION,A fruit get famous with its treename.Holy church made Thirumeni famous among its members and Thirumeni imparted his good spiritual knowldge to its members.May God give Thirumeni courageous and patients to support Holy church and H.H.


Tom said...

recently he said"ENIKKU ORTHODOX SABHAYODUM KOORILLA, PATRIKKEES VIBHAGATHODUM KOORILLA,ENIKKU DAIVATHODU MATHRAME KOOROLLU" He made this statement wen i asked about gurgan related issues of malankara.

Better to excommunicate thirmeni from our church rather than he joined in other team including malankara reeth,gurgan church.

adheham puthencurizil poyi churcha nadathiya kariyam nattil pattanu(april 2010)

അമ്മച്ചിയുടെ അടുക്കള said...

ഡോ. തോമസ്‌ മാര്‍ അത്താനാസിയോസ് തിരുമേനിയെ വിമര്‍ശിക്കുന്നതിനു മുന്‍പ് ഒന്ന് അദ്ദേഹം സഹിക്കുന്നതും സഹിച്ചതുമായ ത്യാഗങ്ങള്‍ ഒന്ന് ഓര്‍ക്കണമേ.

ഓ!!!! നമ്മുടെ VIP മെത്രാന്മാര്‍ക്ക് ഇതൊന്നും ഒരു ത്യാഗമാല്ലല്ലോ അല്ലെ.
ഒരു ഓര്‍ത്തഡോക്‍സ്‌ കണ്ണ് കൊണ്ട് എല്ലാത്തിനെയും നോക്കിയാല്‍ എങ്ങും എത്തുകില്ല. എന്ന് നമ്മള്‍ എല്ലാവരുടെയും മുന്‍പില്‍ പൊങ്ങച്ചക്കാരും, ആടംബരക്കാരും ആയി തന്നെ അറിയപ്പെടും.
സഭാ മക്കള്‍ ഒരു പടി താഴേക്ക്‌ ഇറങ്ങി നിന്ന് ചിന്തിച്ചാല്‍ നമ്മുടെ സഭ രക്ഷപെടും.

അമ്മച്ചിയുടെ അടുക്കള said...

ഹലോ edessa , ഈ കൂറ് എന്ന വാചകത്തില്‍ പിടിച്ചാണോ അദ്ധേഹത്തെ excommunicate ചെയ്യണം എന്ന് താങ്കള്‍ പറയുന്നത്.? "കൂറ്" എന്ന വാചകത്തെ ഒന്ന് നിര്‍വചിക്കാമോ ശുദ്ധ മലയാളത്തില്‍. എന്താണെന്ന് വച്ചാല്‍ മലയാളത്തിലെ പല വാചകങ്ങള്‍ക്കും പലയിടങ്ങളിലും വ്യതസ്ത അര്‍ഥങ്ങള്‍ ആണ് .

ഓക്കേ, തിരുമേനി പറയുന്നതില്‍ എന്താണ് തെറ്റ്?
സഭ എന്ന് പറയുന്നത് എന്താണ്?
പിന്നെ അദ്ദേഹം പുതെന്‍കുരിശില്‍ തന്നെയാണ് താമസ്സിക്കുന്നതും. അപ്പോള്‍ അയല്‍വക്ക സ്നേഹമെങ്കിലും കാണിച്ചു patriarka center ഇല്‍ പോകണം . അതിനു ഇത്രമാത്രം വെപ്രാളപ്പെടാന്‍ എന്തിരിക്കുന്നു?

George Joseph said...

Dear Mr Joice,
Don't you think it a little immature to have published this and placed for comments now? In fact the article is not complete. We must wait patiently for its full text.Only three chapters have been published in the Kandanadu East Bullettin, which is reproduced here and it is still to continue. Please wait till the entire article comes out and then let us comment. Comments on portions will not highlight the truth and a great scholar like this Thirumeni should not be subjected to criticism without hearing him fully.


We need to support bishop Athanatious because he responded positively to the God's call.God is standing for peace.Thos who are opposing him and opposing the peace in church are blindly supporting "Saitan"

അമ്മച്ചിയുടെ അടുക്കള said...

ജോയ്സ് ദയവു ചെയ്തു ഈ പോസ്റ്റ്‌ ബ്ലോഗില്‍ നിന്നും ഒഴിവാക്കുക. ഇത് discuss ചെയ്യാന്‍ സമയം ആയിട്ടില്ല.

Malankara Orthodox TV said...

Ee Lekhanam Nammude Kannu Thurappikkan, Chinthikkan Vendy Aanu M TV yil Koduthathu. Lekhanam Poorthiyayittilla.

Vayanakkaril Chilarenkilum Karuthumpoleyum Nammude Methrachanmaril Chilar Pratheeshikkunnathu Poleyum Athanasius Thirumeni Puthenkurisu Society Yil Cheranum Pokunnilla. Athukondu Positive Aayi Chinthichu Comment Ezhuthuka.
- Editor

Vayaliparamban said...

May be he is genius or intelligent. But immaturity is there for sure. What does Christ teach us? What is the amount of patience we should have. If lay people like us can understand what Christ teaches about patience, what should these Bishops teach us.
We can very well read thru the lines. It is an explosion of his frustration.
Even after the resurrection of Christ there is a good amount of Jews who have not believed in him yet and what is Mar Athanasios trying to impress by having a go at the Orthodox faction. No wonder majority of the Bishops have difference of opinion about him.
He is just trying to distance himself from the Gurgon episode where he is a culprit by opening this Pandora box.
Why should an ox lifts its tail?
Definitely for one reason.

sampariyarathu said...

The Two decades Of Church Ministry bY Dr. Thomas Mar Athanasius,although MTV is publishing Mor Athanisius's Diocesean letter here, He has done lot of Herertic teachings against orthodoxy especially his Wrtings Called"Ithu Viswasathinte Karyam"Which still Jacbites are using to Support "KEFA" In SOCM forum.So I don't think whatever he is writing is coming out of his sincereity and intergrity for MOSC or because of oriental orthodox faith.He was mostly siding with catholic faith to tarnish the orthodox faith during 1995.This is not an allegation as this is the truth.His writings are still used by a lot of Jacobite theologeans to support their claim for Petrine supermacy as well as to belittle that St.thomas christians in Malankara are not part of Oriental orthodox family.he was crusading for Catholics church and Faith of Petrine Supremacy, and teaching that Christ Gave his office to St.Peter!!He forgot about the Risen Christ who called Simon Peter
As Son of Johna three times(john21:15-18).The "faith" simon peter confessed is the rock in Which Jesus Christ built his Church.I am not critisizing the bishop ,however his deeds and writings/teahings are most harmful/dangerous to MOSC faith even now.

Unknown said...

athanasius thirumeni may be a good theologian ,but he lacks several virtues as a bishop or even as a true orthodox believer;"enikku kooru daivathodu" ennu parayunna thirumeni;anganeyalla" daivathinu thirumeniyotu koorullathukontu ippol nilaninnu ponu

Unknown said...

I really congratulate Mar Athanasius Thirumeni for his frankness in revealing all that he went through in the past few years. We should show some tolerance and patience in listening to everything what he has to say. In my opinion, we failed him in many ways. Like he mentioned in his article, our church leadership never showed true christian witness in extending a welcoming hand to our brothers in the other faction. "United we stand, divided we fall." That's what is happening to both of our factions now. Are we even worried about anybody leaving our church? We should practice what we preach. We should think for a while why these bishops who joined us cannot integrate themselves into our church. All of us (bishops, priests and laymen) put only our individual interests first. We show neither conviction nor dedication to our Church or to Christ himself. Our Church has true faith and beautiful worship. But we need to reflect that in our lives.

Anonymous said...

Thirumeni is trying to say some truth that is what happend behind the doors.Thirumeni is writing this either neutral or third person who did try to minimize the difference and have a unified church.but unfortunately it didnt worked . i think the division has gone too far but only one who can heal the church feud is triune god when he comes for the second time.

Unknown said...

Athanasious metrane enim jacobitekark venda...pukanja kolli purathu thannee....Indian orthadoxkaru kazhiyunnathu atrem koode nirthe ennittum pattunillel adeyam valla patriciso??? catholicoso??? ayi swayam angu vazhatttteeeeeeeeeeeee.............
Enthanelm thinna chorinu nandi ulla al anu muvattupuzha metran??? karuthi erunnu aaa nandi Indian orthadoxkarkm thamasikkathe kittikolum..........

Film star parayannathupoleee


vinup said...

Val eduthavan valal...ennoo nammude mashiha kepha yodu prajthe nammal ee samyathu orkanam. Pidichathu ettu kittiyum ella, kayil undayirunathoo vittum pokum enna sthidi anoo ee pavam metrachane. athu kondo paza kariyagal ellam orthoo ayvu erakkunathu nallahta. Onoo purnarchinthnam cheyamaloo. Bakiellam odde thampurante kayyila...

Innocent said...

Eventhough I was disturbed at many a points raised by Mar Athanasios, when he boldly pin points the real issue our church faces, “instead of looking at the basic interests of our church, personal interest is prevailing and that is what is dividing this church”, hats off to him. As long as we are being part of personal agenda’s there is no question of church unity.
It is time to recap on what St.Gregorios of Parumala taught us, ‘first priority should be God, second should be our church and third should be our family’. Today it is just the other way round. People are in the church for the interest of their family and friends. If the Church doesn’t take care of that, then they move out. There are hardly individuals like Mar Athanasios who has forgone his faction for the interest of the faith. But since people like him are in minority, he gets crucified. But we can live with the hope, and I quote HH Geevarghese II, ‘the truth that is crucified on Friday will resurrect on Sunday’. So let us not run away from being crucified if it is the truth.
Meanwhile, issues between the faction and the church is never a hurdle to follow Christ and his teachings, because Jesus says “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

George Joseph said...

Dear Mr Vinup,
For God's sake, please read the official posting of the author on July 24, 2010 at 2:12.

Unknown said...

Why this methrachan is doing a Kumbasaram at this time? Is the Moses Gurgan bishop problem bothering him too much and he wants some sympathy from the people? Whatever explanations he give, his book "Ithu viswasathinte kaaryam" was to please the Jacobites and his recent explanations are to please the MOSC. He should not have fallen in to the bishop Gurgan problem. The whole bishop Gurgan ordination was a disgrace to all orthodox people.

Unknown said...

dear aboon,
aboon malankarayude abhimanamane.....
sabha yogjippinu ange adutta pala nilapadum....1958.valiya bava kai konda nilapadukalane...


Paul said...

I have a feeling that one incidental remark (Diocesan Bulletin; 2010 June 15; Pg. 5), to the effect that PROMINENT PARISHES WERE NOT WILLING TO FUNCTION WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF A CONSTITUTION, needs more attention and discussion. The reference about prominent parishes is likely about Kothamangalam (2 churches), Kuruppampady, Manarkadu, Karingachira. Chelad, Nadama (Tripunithura), Angamly, Piravom, North Paravoor etc..etc. Have hidden intentions of those parish's leaders contributed to the schism of 70s? They don’t want to be controlled; but want to exert more control in the church administration than an ordinary parish can. Even now H.B Thomas I and disciples get more support, both financially and morally from those churches. Otherwise situation would have been different. Also read Article 191 (Part V) of the JSCC constitution. I think MOSC leadership needs to admit realities and adopt a new approach in dealing with those churches. Significance of those churches can’t be ignored. MOSC leadership should discuss with concerned parish leaders and make every effort (including appropriate amendments in 34 constitution) to keep those churches within MOSC.

Paul said...

Dear Editor,

What happened to the remaining parts of the article? Did Thirumeni discontinued it or MTV stopped publishing it ?

George Joseph said...

Through this series, a true history of what happened after the 1995 SC verdict, towards the efforts of many in ensuring a united Malankara Church, is getting unfolded. Surely, there are many among us who may not be too happy to learn these truths. The narrations are as Thirumeni looks at it, and to that extent, there may be aberrations,but only to a level too negligible to be weighed against the facts,and we can certainly understand how we spoiled a Heaven sent opportunity just by favouring personal motives. True, this account exposes all of us to a limit beyond comprehension. If we can learn some lessons atleast now , so much the better. Let us await the remaining issues and realise in toto our true charactor.
### George Joseph###

Vayaliparamban said...

The Dec 2010 editorial makes perfect sense. Nothing more to add. People trying to make us fools by talking about out of court settlements when the highest court has already given its final verdict. What is the guarantee this out of court settlement will work. When the Supreme court can't implement its verdict, what relavence will this out of court dramas result.
There cannot be any short cut for peace. Simply follow the verdicts.
The cunning nature of the lady who wanted to cut the child into two is well revealed in the enthusiasm of the Jacobite fanatics.

Anonymous said...

mor athanasios is a great man..but he left jacobite church for silly reasons...he tried to come back but put forward many conditions which were awkward....he was not ready to surrender his personal belongings....he is a disgrace in that manner....he is a great preacher but not a good ruler...

Anonymous said...

mor athanasios is a great man..but he left jacobite church for silly reasons...he tried to come back but put forward many conditions which were awkward....he was not ready to surrender his personal belongings....he is a disgrace in that manner....he is a great preacher but not a good ruler...