Jesus said ALL NATIONS will come to know GOD. Is it not applicable to India ?
But we shy away from discussing the FUTURE like ostriches dipping heads in sand. All our discussions are about the past which we cannot correct.
What is the future of the Orthodox faith in India ? Should it be linked with Antioch FOR EVER? Can we grow and ever become a national church acceptable to ALL INDIANS if we continue to be under ARAB HEADS forever?
Now we have only 2.5 per cent Christians in India . The general complaint heard about Indian Christianity is that “it is a foreign religion.” NOBODY SAYS JESUS IS FOREIGN. While MOST INDIANS ACCEPT JESUS AS ONE AMONG THEIR GODS, they refuse to accept a FOREIGN COUNTY LEADERSHIP of the church. China has officially stated this policy not to accept foreign leadership of the Church.
Catholic Church has never had an Indian Pope. But their constitution does not prohibit an Indian becoming a Pope, though practically they had all the Popes from Europe only. In future too, they’ll have only European Popes.
But when it comes to Church leadership, Antioch ’s constitution prohibits a NON-ARAB becoming head (PATRIARCH) of the Syrian Orthodox Church. This has been particularly stated in their Constitution so as to prohibit Indians who are in majority becoming the Patriarch of the Church.